Why Green Attic Insulation Is Essential During Summer

Why Green Attic Insulation Is Essential During Summer
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Contributing Writer

While it's widely known that insulation keeps the house warm during winter, its role in maintaining coolness during summer is often overlooked.

We typically envision home insulation as a protective layer against the cold, akin to a snug winter coat for our houses. While this analogy holds true to some extent, insulation performs differently in summer. Just as wearing a heavy winter jacket in hot weather would cause discomfort, insulation within homes helps repel the heat of summer, ensuring interiors remain pleasantly cool.

How Insulation Works

photo: user34805472 [source: www.freepik.com]

Home insulation absorbs heat produced by heating systems during winter and prevents the infiltration of hot air from the attic, where temperatures often soar during summer days. This enables more efficient operation of air conditioning systems, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower utility bills.

Heat travels through three primary mechanisms: conduction, convection, and radiation. Insulation traps heat by countering these processes:

transfer of heat

Conduction involves the transfer of heat through materials, such as the transmission of body heat through a down jacket. Similarly, during summer, heat infiltrates homes as sunlight heats the roof, gradually raising indoor temperatures.

air movement

Convection entails heat transfer through air movement. Many insulation types incorporate air pockets to trap and contain heat.


Radiation refers to the emission of heat from a source, such as radiators or wood stoves. Insulation inhibits the penetration of external heat sources into the home.

Where Should Insulation Be Installed?

Ideally, homes should be insulated from top to bottom, encompassing attics, walls, ceilings, floors, crawl spaces, basements, and areas around ducts and piping. Proper insulation prevents outdoor heat from seeping in, maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Without adequate insulation, homes can become uncomfortably warm as heat infiltrates through various entry points, disrupting the internal climate balance.

Selecting the Right Insulation for Summer

  • Fiberglass batt insulation: Affordable but prone to installation errors and potential health hazards from glass fibers.
  • Spray foam insulation: Highly efficient but requires careful installation due to the release of toxic gasses during application.
  • Cellulose insulation: Cost-effective and eco-friendly.
  • Rigid foam insulation: Mid-range in cost, effective, and easy to install, offering a balance of affordability and performance.

Consulting a professional can help homeowners choose the most suitable insulation type based on their specific needs and home characteristics.

Where Should Insulation Be Installed?

Properly installed insulation enhances energy efficiency, reduces utility bills, and enhances home comfort. When seeking a reliable insulation contractor, prioritize licensing, training, and the quality of products and services.

With a comprehensive range of energy efficiency and insulation services, Green Attic Insulation contractors are committed to improving home comfort and efficiency. Contact us today for a free, no-obligation estimate and enhance your home's comfort this summer!
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