Finished Basement in Chicago
Our expert team utilizes high-quality insulation materials and techniques to ensure optimal insulation performance and long-lasting results.

Was You Finished Basement
Done Correctly?
A simple but effective first step. If you pick up a bad or musty smell that is a sure fire sign there is moisture in your basement.
What Can You See?
Odds are, if you pick a musty or bad scent, you can locate other signs visually. Take a look around; is there mildew or mold growing anywhere? Most common places mold can be found will be in corners and on the ground where the floor meets the wall. Are nails popping out of the drywall, especially rusty nails..
What Can You Feel?
This might be uncomfortable, but if you are walking around in the basement in your socks, do your feet feel damp?

Does Your Finished Basement Shows These Symptom?
Detect and resolve issues in your finished basement, such as electrical, plumbing, structural, ventilation, and moisture concerns, for a safer and more comfortable living environment.
Fiberglass Batts & Blankets
Electrical Issues
Structure Issues
And what about fire safety? if there is bedroom in the basement but no doors or windows to leave in an emergency that creates an unsafe living condition.
Ventilation Issues
You can have your HVAC system re balanced for the added area so that you aren’t wasting energy and money trying to mediate the airflow throughout your house.
Moisture Issues
Making things worse is when the basement ends above ground, the temperature near the ceiling will change according to the outside temperature. This temperature difference means that if there is any airflow against he foundation wall, thee will be moisture condensation.
That’s Where
We Come In